Burnout Blueprint: Battling Burnout with Five Easy Steps

Burnout is a reality of being a high performer. While we do our best to avoid it, when you are driven and striving for big goals it happens. The key is how you recognize it early and implement an action plan. Here are my go-to strategies for battling burnout and getting re-energized about your work. 

  • Make time for yourself daily– Generate a short list of daily “must haves” that you do in service of yourself. These items should empower your mindset and help you be at your best. It’s important that these are both realistic and achievable, so I recommend no more than four activities (i.e. meditation, 15-minute outdoor walk, journaling, workout).
  • Proactively identify common triggers of burnout– When you know your tendencies, you can be on the lookout for them. Burnout can be easier to course correct when you catch it early.
  • Understand the root cause of your burnout– Take time to reflect and pinpoint the source of the burnout. Often, we see the symptoms, but we can’t create meaningful change until we address the source of the problem.
  • Develop a list of “bucket fillers”– Bucket fillers are activities you can do to re-energize and reset when you feel burnout approaching or have a tough day. Some examples include spending time with friends, a date night, a day at the spa, or doing a house project/hobby. I recommend you don’t wait until you’re at a breaking point to engage in these, but rather allocate time when you sense yourself drifting out of balance.
  • Create a support system– Have a group of mentors, peers, and friends that can flag when you are veering out of balance and appear to be stressed. They can be a tremendous resource to help you get back on track and hold you accountable. That said, you must be committed to listening and reflecting when they share their observations.
  • Be courageous and ask for help when needed– There are likely many things you can control such as setting boundaries and committing to certain actions. However, it’s possible you need support from your leader or co-workers. Be thoughtful about your asks. Worst case, you get a no and go back to problem solving.
  • Maintain perspective– Adversity brings growth and opportunity. Burnout is a part of running after big goals in work and in life. While it’s not optimal, you can build your resilience muscle to manage it.

Tennis legend, Billie Jean King, used to say, “pressure is privilege”. She defined pressure as an opportunity or as a precursor to significant growth. One key to sustainable success is learning how to navigate the various pressures life brings your way. In absence of a solid plan, burnout can quickly creep in. Through thoughtful planning, improved prioritization, and support from coaches and mentors you can anticipate burnout. To learn more about coaching and my proprietary framework for success, visit my website or set up a free discovery call.

Meet Whitney Faires

With two decades of experience in the healthcare industry, I’ve cultivated a robust background in building and leading teams across sales and finance. However, my true passion is people—specifically in coaching, leadership development, and speaking to inspire transformation and growth. Throughout my career, I’ve successfully coached numerous mid-level leaders and corporate executives to unlock their fullest potential. 

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