Welcome to Your Next Level of Excellence

Hi there, I'm Whitney Faires, internationally recognized coach, keynote speaker, and high achieving executive. I empower my clients to overcome obstacles enabling them to reach unthinkable levels of performance with greater fulfillment.

"63% of leaders who received coaching became more effective leaders."

SOurce: Center for Creative Leadership

High achievers need to be stretched yet met with thoughtful guidance and strategic support to navigate their path to success.

Otherwise, they risk playing small and missing opportunities to grow and increase their impact. I firmly believe that every individual possesses untapped potential that is waiting to be unleashed. The key is knowing how to access it and developing a plan to push through uncertainty.

That’s why I’m on a mission to help high achieving, impact-driven professionals bet on themselves in big ways and step into the transformative power of developing winning strategies, both personally and professionally.

Let’s do this!

My Story

If you don’t control your mindset, it will control you. I have lived my life both ways, and I can tell you it’s a gamechanger to choose thought patterns that are empowering versus defeating.

I was born an overachieving, perfectionist with an insatiable drive.  It served me well in so many ways, but being my harshest critic set me back.  In my early days as an athlete, I set unreasonable expectations for myself and obsessed after games about how I needed to be better.  Yes, it drove me to put in extra work which paid off.  However, I created unnecessary anxiety for myself and over time that thought pattern changed my view of what my potential really was.   

I had a transformational moment when I was in high school.  I was a highly recruited D1 athlete.  Truthfully, I was living the life of my dreams – phenomenal teammates, amazing coaches, and we knew how to execute, winning one state title and two national championships.  At 16 years old, I tore my ACL.  It felt like a small setback.  My mom drove me 60 miles each way a couple times a week to be part of an accelerated physical therapy program.  I stepped back on the court three months later ready to run after our second state championship.  In preseason, I reinjured my ACL.  This time I was forced to sit out for nine months.  In the moment it was devasting, but in hindsight it was a gift.   

I learned so much from that experience, and it shaped my future.  The most important lesson was that you must reframe adversity as opportunity.  The second lesson, have unwavering belief in yourself.  While my scholarship offers plummeted, many coaches tried to convince me to walk on for a year to prove I was healthy.  Fair concern, but I wasn’t going to commit my future to a coach that did not believe in me.  

I bet on myself in a big way.

I turned down offers to schools that were previously at the top of my list, and I worked hard to come back full strength.

I had to tightly manage my mindset to endure the uncertainty and stay committed to fighting for my dream. It was hard because, deep down, playing felt different. I had to silence the fear of reinjuring myself.

During my nine-month recovery, I realized sports were not my identity.  While I wanted to play at a top school, I needed a great education to set myself up for success after sports.  In January of 2000, I got a call from the Assistant Coach from the University of Virginia (UVA).  They thought I verbally committed to another school, but a scholarship came available and they wanted to see if I would still consider UVA.  Fast forward, I committed on my official visit and had a tremendous four-year career while getting a world class education.  The people I met and the experiences I had transformed me as a person.   

That was the start of realizing I could never compromise my belief in myself, and I needed to work on more effectively managing my mindset daily.  Truth be told, it was a 12-year journey of slowly evolving from mentally beating myself up to managing my thoughts to having a rock-solid mindset.  It drove me to become a coach, leader, and start my own company.  Life is too short to be your own worst enemy.  It impacts everything about your life – your potential, your fulfillment, your relationships, and your choices.  It has become my life’s work to help people become the best versions of themselves, unlocking potential they never knew existed.  And to enjoy life because they write their narrative!  

Dream the dream, build the plan, and bet on yourself in big ways! Join me on the journey to go from underestimated to unstoppable.

10 Things You Don’t Know About Me!


When I was 6, my family and I were robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight in New York City. Because of this, we met the mayor and sat in the front row at a Yankees game.


My husband, daughter, and I filmed a baby monitor commercial. What I learned is that I’m not winning an Oscar anytime soon.


I start almost EVERY day with a hard workout. There is no limit to how early I will wake up to make that happen.


I have no sense of direction, and I still get lost in the city I’ve lived in for 10+ years!


The feeling I miss the most is making a huge play on the volleyball court in a critical match. You cannot replicate the emotions you experience the instant you and your teammates celebrate together!


I pivoted my career from sales leadership, to launching a leasing business, and then to organization development (all at the same company). I love learning and diving headfirst into big challenges!


My most important goal in life is raising my kids to be kind, confident, loving people that chase their dreams and leave the world a better place.


I set four NCAA Division 1 college volleyball records.


Learning to embrace my weaknesses and the things I don’t love about myself has been incredibly empowering.


My absolute favorite band is the Lumineers! I am determined to find a way to meet them! Wesley and Jeremiah, you name the concert and I’ll be there…

my formal bio

Whitney Faires is an internationally recognized coach, high achieving executive, and leadership expert. She empowers her clients to overcome obstacles, which enables them to reach unthinkable levels of performance with greater fulfillment.

With two decades of experience in the healthcare industry, Whitney has established herself as a prominent figure in the field, dedicated to building high performing teams and developing mid-level leaders and industry executives worldwide. 

As the founder of Whitney Faires Coaching, Speaking & Development, Whitney has worked with diverse clients and organizations, helping them excel in areas such as inspiring leadership, cultivating resilience, and managing their mindset to drive results. She regularly gives back and has offered many hours of pro-bono coaching services.   

A Certified Coach through Accomplishment Coaching, Whitney has completed training programs in 360 Assessments, Lean Greenbelt, and Ken Blanchard Situational Leadership. As a member of the International Coaching Federation, Whitney also holds the prestigious Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accreditation. 

As the winner of the Lumenis Aesthetic Rookie of the Year in 2007 and reaching the Over Quota Club in 2006 and 2007, Whitney’s outstanding career achievements are a testament to her dedication and drive. Whitney also received the Intuitive 2017 Commercial Operations Person of the Year Award for the largest overall contribution to the organization and earned the Intuitive Presidential Grit Award in Q3 of 2021. 

As a record setting student athlete at The University of Virginia, Whitney was the proud recipient of the Louis A. Onesty Memorial Scholar-Athlete Award and the Craig Fielder Memorial Award for exceptional leadership and academic performance. She also set four NCAA Division 1 records, was a three-time team captain, and the volleyball MVP in 2003. Whitney received NCAA All-American honors in 2003 and is a two-time First Team all Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) athlete. 

Beyond her professional success, Whitney is a proud mother and loving wife, demonstrating her commitment to maintaining a healthy work-life harmony. With her solid grasp of high achievement and a genuine care for people, Whitney Faires continues to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those she serves.